CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for Collections


Vogüé, Charles Jean Melchior Marquis de, , Syrie centrale: inscriptions sémitiques, . Paris: J. Baudry, 1868. Pp. . Collections MarPapFrag.12 TADC3.19

Clermont-Ganneau, Charles, Recueil d'archéologie orientale. . Paris: E. Leroux, 1885-1924. SealsOA SaqPapFrag.4 SealsOf Collections BarRak SaqPapFrag.1 SaqPapFrag.2 SaqPapFrag.3 Ossuaries

Vogüé, Charles Jean Melchior Marquis de, Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, pars 2: Inscriptiones aramaicae. . Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1889. Collections AECT.2 AECT.3 AECT.7 AECT.11 AECT.13 AECT.15 AECT.16 AECT.19 AECT.20 AECT.21 AECT.26 APE.94 APE.95 APE.96 APE.97 TADC3.25 WaSh

Lidzbarski, M., Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik nebst ausgewählten Inschriften. . Weimar: E. Felber, 1898. Nabataean OS.As20 Collections

Wellhausen, J., "Review of Handbuch der Nordsemitischen Epigraphik, by M. Lidzbarski." GGA (1899a): 602–8. Collections

Commission du CIS, Répertoire d'épigraphie sémitique. . Paris: Imprimerie Nationale [Librairie C. Klincksieck], 1900-5, 1907-14. Collections

Hogg, H.H., "North-Semitic Epigraphy. [Review article: M. Lidzbarski, Handbuch der nordsemitischen Epigraphik]." AJSL 18 (1901): 1–8. Collections

Lidzbarski, M., Ephemeris für semitische Epigraphik. . Giessen: J. Ricker, 1902. Collections MandIncant

Lidzbarski, M., Ephemeris für semitische Epigraphik. . Giessen: J. Ricker, 1902, 1908, 1915. Collections

Cooke, G.A., , A Text-Book of North-Semitic Inscriptions: Moabite, Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic, Nabataean, Palmyrene, Jewish, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1903. Pp. . Collections Palm Nabataean

De Clercq, L., , Collection De Clerq: Catalogue méthodique et raisonné. Tome II: Cachets, briques, bronzes, bas-reliefs, . Paris: E. Leroux, 1903. Pp. . Collections

Lagrange, M.-J., à‰tudes sur les religions sémitiques. . Paris: Lecoffre, 1905. Collections

Sayce, A.H. and Cowley, A.E., Aramaic Papyri Discovered at Assuan. . London: Alexander Moring, 1906. Collections

Pognon, H., Inscriptions sémitiques de la Syrie, de la Mésopotamie, et de la région de Mossoul. . Paris: Imprimerie nationale/Gabalda, 1907. Collections OS.As5 OS.As13 OS.As14 OS.As15 OS.As16 OS.As17 OS.As18 OS.As19 OS.As22 OS.As23 OS.As24 OS.As25 OS.As45 OS.As46 OS.As47 OS.As48 OS.As49 OS.As50 OS.As51 OS.As52 OS.As53 OS.As54 OS.As58 OS.Bs2 Zak HessenKef Collections

Staerk, W., Die jüdisch-aramäischen Papyri von Assuan sprachlich und sachlich erklärt. KlT 22-23 . Bonn: Marcus and Weber, 1907. Collections

Staerk, W., Aramäische Urkunden zur Geschichte des Judentums im VI. und V. Jahrhundert vor Chr. sprachlich und sachlich erklärt. KlT 32 . Bonn: Marcus and Weber, 1908. Collections

Sachau, E., Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militär-kolonie zu Elephantine: Altorientalische Sprachdenkmäler des 5. Jahrhunderts vor Christus. . Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1911. Collections APO TADC2 TADC1.1 ElMumLab APO76 APO76.2 APO76.3 APO76.4 APO76.5 APO78 APO79.3 APO79.4 APO79.5 APO80 APO80.2 APO80.3 APO80.6 APO80.7 APO84.5 APO84.7 APO91 APO91.2 ElWoStamp ElWoStrip AP.4 AP.12 AP.19 AP.22 AP.23 AP.24 AP.50 AP.51 AP.52 AP.53 AP.57 AP.58 AP.61 AP.62 AP.63 AP.64 AP.68 TADA3 TADA3.2 TADA3.5 TADA3.6 TADA3.7 TADA3.8 TADA4 TADA4.2 TADA4.3 TADA4.4 TADA4.6 TADA4.10 TADA5.2 TADA6 TADA6.2 TADB2.5 TADB3 TADB4 TADB4.3 TADB4.4 TADB4.5 TADB4.6 TADB5 TADB5.2 TADB5.4 TADB5.5 TADB6.2 TADB6.3 TADB6.4 TADB7.p. TADB7.2 TADB7.3 TADB7.4 ElJarI TADC3.3 TADC3.13 TADC3.14 TADC3.15 TADC4.4 TADC4.5 TADC4.6 TADC4.7 TADA4.7 TADA4.8 TADA4.9

Ungnad, A., , Aramäische Papyrus aus Elephantine: Kleine Ausgabe unter Zugrundelegung von Eduard Sachau's Erstausgabe, . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911. Pp. . Collections Elephantine

Strack, H.L., "Review of Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militär-Kolonie zu Elephantine, by A. Sachau." ZDMG 65 (1911): 826–32. Collections

Staerk, W., Alte und neue aramäische Papyri übersetzt und erklärt. KlT 94 . Bonn: A. Marcus and E. Weber, 1912. Collections

Sprengling, M., "The Aramaic Papyri of Elephantine in English." AJT 21 (1917): 411–52. Collections Elephantine

Sprengling, M., "The Aramaic Papyri of Elephantine in English Continued." AJT 22 (1918): 349–75. Elephantine Collections

Cowley, A.E., Jewish Documents of the Time of Ezra: Translated from the Aramaic. . London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. Collections

Cowley, A.E., Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century B. C.: Edited with Translations and Notes. . Oxford: Clarendon, 1923. Collections AP

Gressmann, H., et al., Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament. Altorientalische Texte und Bilder zum Alten Testament . Berlin/Leipzig: De Gruyter, 1926. Collections

Aimé-Giron, N., Textes araméens d'Egypte. Service des antiquités de l'Egypte . Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut Français, 1931. Collections TADC4.3

Aimé-Giron, N., "Adversaria semitica." BIFAO 38 (1939): 1–63. Collections SealsOf SaqSteleFrg SaqWoodFrag SaqStel

Aimé-Giron, N., "Adversaria semitica." ASAE 39 (1939a): 339–63. Collections WHudiGr SaqPapFrag.5

Aimé-Giron, N., "Adversaria semitica (III)." ASAE 40 (1940): 433–66. Collections

Kraeling, E.G., , The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri: New Documents of the Fifth Century B.C. from the Jewish Colony at Elephantine, . New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1953. Pp. . Elephantine TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.6 TADB3.7 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 BMAP TADA3.9 TADB6.1 TADC3.17 TADC1.1 Collections

Driver, G.R., , Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C., Transcribed and Edited With Translation and Notes, . Oxford, London: Clarendon. Clarendon, 1954. Pp. . Collections TADA6.3 TADA6.4 TADA6.5 TADA6.6 TADA6.7 TADA6.8 TADA6.9 TADA6.10 TADA6.11 TADA6.12 TADA6.13 TADA6.14 TADA6.15 TADA6.16

Rosenthal, Franz, "Canaanite and Aramaic Inscriptions." Pp. 499–505 In ANET. Pritchard, J.B., ed. Princeton: Princeton Univ., 1955. Collections

Driver, G.R., , Aramaic Documents of the Fifth Century B.C.: Abridged and Revised Edition, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1957. Pp. . Collections

Gaster, T.H., The Scriptures of the Dead Sea Sect in English Translation. . London: Secker and Warburg, 1957. Collections Qumran

Medico, H.E. del, L'Enigme des manuscrits de la Mer Morte: Etude sur la date, la provenance et le contenu des manuscrits découverts dans la grotte I de Qumrân, suive de la traduction commentée des principaux textes. . Paris: Plon, 1957. Collections 1QapGen

Thomas, D. Winton, Documents from Old Testament Times, Translated with Introductions and Notes by Members of the Society for Old Testament Study. . London: Nelson; New York: Harper, 1958. Collections

Sperber, Alexander, The Bible in Aramaic: Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts. . Leiden: Brill, 1959-1973. Collections TgO TargumJonathan TgCh Tg.Ruth TgSS Tg.Lam Tg.Qoh TgEsth Targums

Maier, J., Die Texte vom Toten Meer: Band I. àœbersetzung; Band II. Anmerkungen. . Munich/Basel: E. Reinhardt, 1960. Collections

Koopmans, J.J., Aramäische Chrestomathie: Ausgewählte Texte (Inschriften Ostraka und Papyri) bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. für das Studium der aramäischen Sprache gesammelt. . Leiden: Nederlands Institut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1962. Collections

Koopmans, J.J., Aramäische Chrestomathie: Ausgewählte Texte (Inschriften Ostraka und Papyri) bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. für das Studium der aramäischen Sprache gesammelt. . Leiden: Nederlands Institut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1962. Collections

Vermès, Géza, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English. Pelican Books . London/Baltimore: Penguin, 1962. Collections

Donner, H.Röllig, W., , Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften (Mit einem Beitrag von O. Rössler): Band I, Texte; Band II, Kommentar; Band III, Glossar und Indizes, . Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1962, 1964. Pp. . Collections

Hoftijzer, J., "Review of Aramäische Chrestomathie, by J. J. Koopmans." BO 21 (1964): 71–72. Collections

Michelini Tocci, Franco, I manoscritti del Mar Morto: Introduzione, traduzione e commento. . Bari: Editori Laterza, 1967. Collections 4QElectGod 4Q534 1QapGen 4QPrNab 4Q242

Rosenthal, Franz, An Aramaic Handbook. Porta Linguarum Orientalium n. s. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1967. Collections KidEpi 56HevEp Uzziah Jebel Xallet eT-Turi Ossuaries DurEurDeed Naveh.58=Noaran CapernSyn=Naveh 18 ChorSyn=Naveh 17 GischSyn=Naveh12 JerichoSyn=Naveh 69 KafrKenna=Naveh 30-31

Meyer, R., "Review of Aramäische Chrestomathie, by J. J. Koopmans." OLZ 62 (1967): 473–75. Collections

Donner, H., "Review of An Aramaic Handbook I-II, by F. Rosenthal." BO 25 (1968a): 377–78. Collections

Ginsberg, H.L., "Aramaic Papyri from Elephantine; Aramaic Letters." Pp. 548–9 In ANET. Pritchard, J.B., ed. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1969. Collections TADB3.6 TADB3.8

Rosenthal, Franz, "Canaanite and Aramaic Inscriptions." Pp. 655–57 In ANESTP. Pritchard, J.B., ed. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1969. Collections

Segal, J.B., Edessa, "The Blessed City". . Oxford: , 1970. OS.P1 OS Collections Syr Hist

Vattioni, F., "Epigrafia aramaica." Aug 10 (1970): 493–532. Collections AECT.46 AECT.47 AECT.48 AECT.49 AECT.50 AECT.51 AECT.1 AECT.2 AECT.3 AECT.4 AECT.5 AECT.6 AECT.7 AECT.8 AECT.9 AECT.10 AECT.11 AECT.13 AECT.14 AECT.15 AECT.16 AECT.17 AECT.18 AECT.19 AECT.20 AECT.21 AECT.22 AECT.23 AECT.24 AECT.25 AECT.26 AECT.27 AECT.28 AECT.29 AECT.30 AECT.31 AECT.32 AECT.33 AECT.34 AECT.35 AECT.43 AECT.44 AECT.45 AECT.52 AECT.53 AECT.54 AECT.55 AECT.56 AECT.57 AECT.58 AECT.59 AECT.60 AECT.61 Dockets

Hestrin, R. and others, Inscriptions Reveal: Documents from the Time of the Bible, the Mishna and the Talmud. Israel Museum, Jerusalem . Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 1972. Collections BeershebaOstr AradOstr TFara AshdodOstr BetSheanSyn=Naveh 46-47 EingediSyn=Naveh 70 Mur 56HevBA 56HevBADock 56HevC ar JerStW StorJar Uzziah Ossuaries GivMivOss GivMivAbba

Degen, RainerMüller, W.W.Röllig, W., Neue Ephemeris für semitische Epigraphik. . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1972, 1974, 1978. Collections

Porten, Bezalel, Jews of Elephantine and Arameans of Syene (Fifth Century B.C.E.): Fifty Aramaic Texts with Hebrew and English Translations. . Jerusalem: Academon, 1974. Collections

Gibson, J.C. L., , Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions: Volume II, Aramaic Inscriptions Including Inscriptions in the Dialect of Zenjirli, . Oxford: Clarendon, 1975. Pp. . Collections

Jongeling, B., Labuschagne, C.J. and Woude, A.S. van der, Aramaic Texts from Qumran. Semitic Study Series . Leiden: Brill, 1976. Collections Qumran

Naveh, Joseph, "Review of Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I, by E. Lipiński." IEJ 26 (1976): 148–9. Collections

Millard, A.R., "Review of Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I, by E. Lipiński." JSS 21 (1976a): 174–78. Collections

Brock, Sebastian P., "Review of Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions II, by J. C. L. Gibson." JTS n.s. 28 (1977): 184–85. Collections

Gibson, J.C. L., "Review of Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I, by E. Lipiński." PEQ 109 (1977): 59–60. Collections

Körner, J., "Review of Kanaanäische und Aramäische Inschriften I-III, by H. Donner and W. Röllig." OLZ 72 (1977): 276–79. Collections

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Review of Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I, by E. Lipiński." CBQ 39 (1977a): 262–63. Collections

Garbini, G., "Review of Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I, by E. Lipiński." AION 37 (1977b): 276–77. Collections

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. and Harrington, Daniel J., A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts (Second Century B.C. - Second Century A.D.). Biblica et Orientalia . Rome: Biblical Institute, 1978. Collections Qumran

Genge, H., Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Hist.-filos. meddelelser 49. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1979. Collections

Vattioni, F., "Review of Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I, by E. Lipiński." Or 48 (1979a): 136–45. Collections

Sacchi, P., Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento. Classici delle religioni . Turin: Unione tipografico--Editrice torinese, 1981-. Collections

Delsman, W.C., "Aramäische Dokumente." Pp. 253–63 In Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden; Historisch-chronologische Texte. Kaiser, O., ed. Gütersloh: G. Mohn, 1983. Collections TADA4.1 TADA4.7 TADA4.10 TADA4.9 TADB2.11 TADB2.6

Segal, J.B., Aramaic Texts from North Saqqara with Some Fragments in Phoenician. Texts form Excavations Memoir 6. London: Egyptian Exploration Society, 1983a. Collections TADC2.1 NSaqPap

Beyer, K., , Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1984. LangGen Collections 1QapGen 4QVisJacob 4Q537 4QapJudah 4Q538 4QapJoseph 4Q539 CTLevi 4QLevi 4QVisAmram 4QPrNab 4QEnoch Qumran Giants

Wagner, S., "Review of Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions I-II, by J. C. L. Gibson." OLZ 79 (1984): 356–59. Collections

Delsman, W.C., "Aramäische historische Inschriften." Pp. 625–37 In Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden; Historisch-chronologische Texte. Kaiser, O., ed. Gütersloh: G. Mohn, 1985. Collections BarH Zak Pan BarRak Fakhariyah

Porten, Bezalel and Yardeni, A., Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt Newly Copied, Edited and Translated into Hebrew and English: 1. Letters (Appendix: Aramaic Letters from the Bible). Department of the History of the Jewish People. Texts and Studies for Students . Jerusalem: Hebrew Univ. Press, 1986. Collections TADA

Cussini, E., "Epigrafi aramaiche su tavolette dei secoli vi-v a.C.: Le collezioni europee." Bacalaureate thesis, Univ. of Venice. (1986): . Collections BMDoc

Knibb, M.A., The Qumran Community. Cambridge Commentaries on Writings of the Jewish and Christian World 200 BC to AD 200 . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 1987. Collections

Sader, H., Les états araméens de Syrie depuis leur fondation jusqu'à  leur transformation en provinces assyriennes. Beiruter Texte und Studien 36. Beirut: Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 1987. Arameans Collections

Delsman, W.C., "Aramäische Grab- und Votivinschriften," in Kaiser, O., ed., Religiöse Texte, TUAT . Gütersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1988. Pp. 573–581. Collections

Lipinski, Edward, "Nouveaux recueils de textes araméens et phénico-puniques [Review article of Aramaic Epigraphs on Clay Tablets of the Neo-Assyrian Period, by F. M. Fales; Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer, by K. Beyer; and Corpus de las inscripciones fenicias, pàºnicas y neopàºnicas de Espaà±a, by M. Estaà±ol]." BO 45 (1988): 510–17. Collections AECT

Porten, BezalelYardeni, A., Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt Newly Copied, Edited and Translated into Hebrew and English. 2: Contracts. Department of the History of the Jewish People. Texts and Studies for Students . Jerusalem: Hebrew Univ. Press, 1989. Collections TADB

Aggoula, Basile, Inventaire des inscriptions hatréennes. Institut Français d'Archéologie du Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 139. Paris: Geuthner, 1991. Hatran Collections

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. and Kaufman, Stephen A., An Aramaic Bibliography. Part I: Old, Official and Biblical Aramaic. Publications of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project 1. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. Bibliog Collections

Naveh, Joseph, On Sherd and Papyrus: Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from the Second Temple, Mishnaic, and Talmudic Periods. . Jerusalem: Magnes, 1992. Collections

Ahituv, S., , אסופת כתובות עבריות- מימי בית ראשון וראשית ימי בית שני™, Biblical Encyclopaedia Library 8. Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik, 1992. Pp. 265–86. DA Collections

Beyer, K., Die aramäischen Texte vom Toten Meer: samt den Inschriften aus Palästina, dem Testament Levis aus der Kairoer Genisa, der Fastenrolle und den alten talmudischen Zitaten. Ergänzungsband. . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993. Collections Qumran Giants

Porten, Bezalel and Yardeni, A., Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt Newly Copied, Edited and Translated into Hebrew and English. 3: Literature, Accounts, Lists. Department of the History of the Jewish People. Texts and Studies for Students . Jerusalem: Hebrew Univ. Press, 1993. Collections TADC

Tov, Emanuel, The Dead Sea Scrolls on Microfiche: A Comprehensive Facsimile Edition of the Texts from the Judean Desert. . Leiden: Brill. Published under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority., 1993. Collections

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated: The Qumran Texts in English. . Leiden: Brill, 1994. Collections 1QapGen

Rahmani, L.Y., A Catalogue of Jewish Ossuaries in the Collections of the State of Israel. . Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1994. Ossuaries Collections

Noy, David, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, vol. II: The City of Rome. . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Collections

Tov, Emanuel, Companion Volume to the Dead Sea Scrolls Microfiche Edition. . Leiden: Brill. Published under the auspices of the Israel Antiquities Authority., 1995. Collections

Abd el-Shaheed, S., "The Syriac Collection of the Coptic Museum." Parole de l'Orient 20 (1995): 81–84. Collections

Maier, J., Die Qumran-Essener: die Texte vom Toten Meer. UTB für Wissenschaft . Munich: E. Reinhardt, 1995-1996. Collections

Hillers, D.R. and Cussini, E., Palmyrene Aramaic Texts. Publications of the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project . Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins, 1996. Palm Collections

Wise, M.O., Abegg, Martin Jr. and Cook, Edward M., The Dead Sea Scrolls : A New Translation. . San Francisco: Harper, 1996. Collections Qumran

Tyloch, W., Manuscripts from Qumran at the Dead Sea. . Warsaw: Ksia`ka i Wiedza, 1997. Targums Qumran Collections

Vermès, Géza, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English. . New York: The Penguin Press, 1997. Collections

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino and Tigchelaar, E., The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition. . Leiden: Brill, 1997-1998. Collections

Beyer, K., Die aramäischen Inschriften aus Assur, Hatra und dem übrigen Ostmesopotamien (datiert 44 v. Chr. bis 238 n. Chr.). . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998. Collections Hatran AssurInsc

Porten, Bezalel and Yardeni, A., Textbook of Aramaic Documents from Ancient Egypt Newly Copied, Edited and Translated into Hebrew and English. 4: Ostraca and Assorted Inscriptions. Department of the History of the Jewish People. Texts and Studies for Students . Jerusalem: Hebrew Univ. Press, 1999. Collections TADD

Kottsieper, Ingo, "Aramäische und phönizische Texte," in Kaiser, O. and et al., Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Ergänzungslieferung, . Gütersloh: , 2001. Pp. 176–202. Collections

Donner, H. and Röllig, W., Kanaanäische und aramäische Inschriften. Band I, 5 uberarb. Aufl.. . Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2002. Collections

Martínez Borobio, E., Arameo Antiguo: Gramática y textos comentados, Estudios de Filología Semítica. . Barcelona: Univ. Barcelona, 2003. OldAram Grammar Collections

Schwiderski, Dirk, Die alt- und reichsaramäischen Inschriften: The Old and Imperial Aramaic Inscriptions: Band 2: Texte und Bibliographie. Fontes et Subsidia ad bibliam pertinentes 2. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2004. Bibliog Collections

Kloner, A. and Zissu, B., The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period. (Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion 8. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Ossuaries Collections

Cotton, H.M. and et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae : a multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad: Part I: Jerusalem, 1-704. . Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010. JPA Collections Ossuaries GivMivOss GivMivAbba JerJasonTomb Jebel Xallet eT-Turi KidValDip $br V qwrbn N

Fales, Frederick Mario and Grassi, G.F., L`aramaico antico: Storia, grammatica, testi commentati. . Udine: Forum Editione Universitaria udinese, 2016. Collections OldAram

View Bibliographic Abbreviations